Self-Watering School Gardens | by Earthbites | GardenWells

Project Type: Community / School
Designer: Lifespace Gardens
Client: L'ecole Bilingue
This installation was coordinated by the amazing team at Earthbites - who support the management & development of school gardens and facilitate engaging workshops where teachers and students discover how to grow and eat with the seasons.
Connecting children with their food is one of the most important things we can do as a community, with school gardens becoming a invaluable resource for experiential education. You can teach almost any subject within the context of a garden, and root those lessons in fundamental skills that will last a lifetime.
Of course the biggest challenge for School Gardens is keeping those gardens watered throughout the Summer. When everyone is off in summer vacation, that tends to be the time that School Gardens suffer. So instead of students coming back in September to be inspired by the lush harvests from their Spring time effort - they are instead greeted by dried out plots full of weeds. That is unless...
You're growing with GardenWells.
GardenWells can help dramatically with school gardens. Transforming daily watering requirements, into an easy to follow weekly schedule. So instead of having to mobilize an army of volunteers, a small team is more than enough to handle the task. Fill the reservoirs once a week, and you'll be the hero of your school garden!
To learn more about how you can transform your struggling School Garden into a thriving GardenWell SIP Garden - book a consultation here.