Commercial/Rooftop Gardens | Concert Properties Garden by PWL Architecture | GardenWells

Name: Concert Properties
Designer: PWL Architecture
Installer: Moscone & Bros Landscaping LTD.
The GardenWell system is the ideal method for irrigating rooftop gardens.
As showcased on this install for Concert Properties - this downtown rooftop patio went largely unused as both irrigation and drainage were an issue. These challenges were overcome with GardenWells, and now the rooftop garden thrives with self-watering wicking beds growing fresh veggies right in the downtown core.
Furthermore, these gardens were installed as part of a company initiative to help their employees connect with their food and how it is grown.
Now, the entire team at Concert gets to enjoy fresh veggies on the daily, while de-stressing during lunch time garden breaks. Without sub-irrigation this doesn't happen, but with GardenWells the rooftop gardens and company culture continue to grow!
Learn more about Growing with GardenWells here: